Friday, February 10, 2012

Obama vs the Pope - Ding! Round 2

Maybe we should have drawn that line in cement?

There has been a lot of buzz lately over President Obama's stand on birth control when it comes to Church supplied health insurance plans for church employees (as can be seen here @ Since the inception of the U.S., separation of church and state has played a defining and pivotal role in our evolution, and as such can be a very touchy subject to maneuver. As a preacher's son and an avid believer in human/religious freedoms while still being somewhat the conservationist, this is a very delicate subject for me. On the one hand, I believe firmly that no church should be forced by government mandate to offend their own beliefs, yet on the other, in a day and age where we are on the fast track to 7 billion people on this planet with a current starving population estimated at 14% and growing (according to Wikipedia), we absolutely must do something to curb our population growth. Obama's decision to revamp his former mandate, editing in that the insurance companies must provide this coverage free of charge (found here), is quite possibly the James T. Kirk to this Kobayashi Maru, then again, it could be just another wet band-aid. The question now is, will it hold, and will this lead to further erosion of our freedoms as citizens and human beings.

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